Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The unpacking's finally done.

So I've moved the last of the MySpace blogs over here just because I like the idea of having them all in one place. I don't think I would have even considered blogging if it hadn't been for MySpace, so I am a little sad to be making the final move away from it. I liked having that little corner of the internet where I could quietly go about my business, and I was always surprised and touched when people took the time to read and comment. It gave me the confidence to keep going, when confidence isn't normally something I'm in possession of. But as much as I fight it, change is inevitable, so I'm settling into my new home. It feels scarier here, less intimate and more impersonal, but I don't know that that's necessarily a bad thing. One thing I have come to realise very recently is that I really enjoy the process of writing these blogs, even if they've often caused my already high levels of anxiety and self-doubt to go through the roof. Just learning to put my thoughts into vaguely coherent sentences makes it worthwhile for me, so it really doesn't matter where they are or how many people read them. I'll still be quietly ranting away in this little corner, should anyone care to join me.


  1. Yay! It'll probably be just the two of us, so it's kind of like an extension of Facebook chat. Just with less swearing. Which doesn't sound nearly as much fun now that I think about it!
