Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Definately not excellant spelling

I recently discovered that I have been misspelling excellent, I assume for as long as I've been writing it. I have no idea how I didn't know this sooner, but I'm horrified to think I've been making such a basic spelling mistake! I used to have the same problem with definitely, I would stop and think about the correct spelling every time, knowing it was either -ately or -itely, but for the life of me I couldn't get the right one into my head, and would almost always guess incorrectly. It was The Office that cured me of that particular mistake, now whenever I need to write it I get Finchy in my head saying "defin-ately" and I know that's wrong, because everything that comes out of Finchy's mouth is wrong. I am usually incredibly anal about these things, I'm constantly using Google to check for possible spelling mistakes, and I can't even text in short-hand. I take some comfort in knowing I am not alone in making these simple mistakes, a quick Google search brings up 12, 300, 000 results for "definately" and 11, 200, 000 for "excellant". Now I'm paranoid about what other basic spelling mistakes I've been making, and I don't even want to think about grammar, I barely know a verb from an adjective, I just try to get the words in the right order and hope that it makes sense.

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